validating a new approach to skincare
UNBRKBLE was engaged by Estée Lauder’s innovation team to run a series of experiments with potential skincare buyers to see whether a direct-to-consumer subscription for skincare products might be desirable.
The Estée Lauder team had already developed the product formulation and packaging but hadn’t yet run any desirability experiments with consumers. UNBRKBLE set up a community hub on Circle.so and invited 100 consumers (from USA & UK) who fit the profile of ‘explorers in life.’ Throughout 3-months, we challenged the community to engage around product testing, branding, value propositions, packaging design, and business model expectations. The learnings from this project increased confidence in the innovation team for both this set of products and a membership-based model.
Project: Nine Point Eight skincare for ‘explorers in life’
Duration: 6 months
Process stage: Experimentation